This article will guide you in creating new objectives for each department in your organization.
Navigate to Performance from the sidebar menu and choose Objective from the drop-down.
Click on Create new objectives and provide the following information:
Creating departmental objectives can only be done by the heads of departments, the primary admin, or the secondary admins.
Input the objective description
Choose from the set Company Period(s) during which that objective should be achieved.
Select the Company objective(s) that fit into the new objective(s) you are creating
Select Group Type; The group type determines who the set objective aligns with. This could be organizational, departmental, individual, or a custom group.
The Objective's owner: Choose who should take ownership of this Objective.
The Start and End date.
Click Publish after you enter the necessary details and a new Departmental Objective will be created.
It is important to note that every department member will be able to see the objective(s) that have been set for them. They can then go ahead and add their key results.